What I [Attempted] Wednesday
What I Ate Attempted Wednesday… a recap of things I’ve done. (Exciting, no?) If you haven’t joined the link party yet, check it out! (And Jenn, I’m SO excited to see you in a few weeks!!!!)
This weekend was full of activites. I’ve learned saying “yes” is the best way to encounter an adventure. So that’s what I did this weekend, I said yes.
I said yes to the driving range.
I said yes to the batting cages.
I said yes to jumping off an old railroad bridge into the river.
I said yes to planking
And I said yes to texting while walking through the CVS parking lot, which led to me stubbing ramming my toe into the concrete parking barrier. It was bloody, and I’ll spare you the pictures.
That’s right, I didn’t hurt myself in any of the other adventures. Not even the rock climbing in flip flops I did on Sunday. No, my friends, I get injured while texting and walking. Hold your applause.
Anyways, since it is What I Ate Wednesday, I suppose I should show you what I’ve been eating:
The 100 calorie “Take Out” dinner.
- 1 package of no-oodles
- 2 tbsp teryiaki sauce (I gotta use up the rest from this recipe)
- 1 tbsp soy sauce
- 1/2 cup broccoli
It tastes like take out. But it’s not.
And since that dinner was so low-cal… it was followed up with
A yogurt bowl
Save a bowl, use a yogurt container. I swear there is some yogurt under there. Then I topped it with a truckload of blueberries + Love Grown Granola.
I don’t know why I’ve been craving yogurt so much, but I’ve been eating it once, sometimes twice a day, every day. SO delicious.
What have you been eating these days?
Join the link party, and tell me!
<3 Liz
I’m so sorry about your toe! I’ve hurt myself while walking and texting — it’s probably just as bad as texting and driving as you have to “steer” yourself in the direction you want to go to avoid pitfalls and such. I hope your toe starts feeling better! 🙂
LOOOOVE the driving range! And that noodle bowl looks delish. Planking is one of our faves. HA!
Wow, sounds like you’ve had some fun adventures! So funny (?) that it took a parking lot to injure you!
I’ve been eating organic wholegrain crispbreads with pumpkin seeds. They’re pretty addictive.
I have been eating such random things because I can’t cook right now–I’m really dying for some of my normal foods! I have been eating lots of ice cream, though. It is summertime in NYC after all!
Ah! I hope your toe is ok lol…and I love the 100 calorie takeout idea! I have been meaning to try those no-oodles for months now. I may have to break down and buy some…