These high-protein vegan burgers are made with TVP (textured vegetable protein), so they’re super satisfying and packed with protein! Try them for an easy,...
These easy curried lentils are packed with spices for a delicious flavor! This recipe is a budget-friendly dinner that is also vegan and gluten-free!...
These pumpkin gingerbread muffins are a cozy treat perfect for the holiday season, combining the warm and spicy flavors of ginger, cinnamon, and molasses...
These roasted Brussels sprouts are tossed with homemade croutons, shaved Parmesan cheese, and a drizzle of Caesar dressing to create a delicious and flavorful...
Get ready for a cozy, autumn-inspired dish with this vegan pumpkin chili! It’s packed with healthy veggies, hearty beans, and velvety pumpkin puree for...
This pumpkin spice granola recipe is the perfect fall snack! It’s spiced with warm cinnamon and ginger, and filled with good-for-you ingredients. It is...