The Good. The Bad. The Habits. (Part 1)
I’m a creature of habit. Which is strange, because I also get bored easily. I guess what I mean is, I want to do what I want to do when I want to do it… until I get bored… then I want to do something else. Sounds reasonable, no?
There are certain things that I have to do each day… or I’m… a bit grumpy.
1. Coffee
Don’t mess with my morning coffee. I need a cup of java + almond milk + truvia. Otherwise, I’m in a haze the rest of the day.
2. Breakfast
You probably think this goes hand in hand with the coffee. But it doesn’t. Breakfast is not just this deliciousness:
(Although if I’m ever out of bananas, almond milk, truiva or peanut butter. I’m super sad because that bowl of awesomeness can’t happen.) Breakfast also must be accompanied by the Wall Street Journal. I must read the paper while eating my breakfast. Call me an old man, but it’s true. And no, the online edition is not the same. I need to spread out that not-so-eco-friendly paper. Deal with it people.
3. The gym
I’m actually really consistent with my workouts. It’s pretty rare that I miss a day at the gym. However, I don’t always push myself at the gym. That’s the bad part of this habit. Just because my butt is at the gym, doesn’t mean that butt is really getting a workout on.
4. Music
I pretty much have to have music on no matter what I’m doing. Cleaning, working, exercising, driving… I don’t like silence. I like to tell myself that music helps me focus, but that’s probably a lie. I actually just like dancing in my head. (Or bouncing on my exercise ball at work, as the case may be.)
What are some of your habits? Good ones, bad ones, share them!
<3 Liz
Sounds exactly like the start of my day. Exactly. Although exercise is first, followed closely by coffee and FOOD! 😉
I have to have coffee and breakfast it is a must. Oh and something sweet daiy 🙂
My habits were over eating every single night before/after dinner while cooking, and I am so happy to say that I am finally back on track! I feel so much better inside – I swear I could possibly be glowing some days. Yay for giving our bodies just what they need – plus a few sweets here n’ there!
Can I just say that I love the sound of your morning cafe? Points to ya, girl, ’cause nowadays coffee is just a bunch of sugah, sugah, and more sugahh and it kills me knowing people are chugging down numerous cups of that stuff for a morning buzz and all it is is empty calories. If I ever started drinking – I’d go your route with the bean, nut-milk of choice just a simple, natural touch of sweet! You go girl!
My habits
Good habit: eating my fruits and veggies.
Bad habit: coffee and my need for ice cream/chocolate after dinner.
I never skip breakfast- definitely a good habit 🙂 I can’t believe how many people I know that don’t eat breakfast!!
Sounds like our days are quite similar! First thing I do when I wake up is drink some water and then stumble to my keurig for coffee!! haha 😉
I loved hearing your habits, I have those days where I am a waste of life and should have probably not even tried to workout but I try to remember its ok to let my body rest… its just hard once you get into a routine to stop.