Don’t tell anyone, but I’m kind of lazy sometimes.

Actually, it’s not really a secret. If you’ve been reading my blog for awhile, you know I’m not an elaborate recipe kind of girl. Honestly, I don’t have that long of an attention span. A recipe that has 9,000 steps, and takes 4 hours to prepare just doesn’t sound fun to me. And since lately, my food preparation has been for a guy who would prefer a box of Reese’s Puffs instead of  a gourmet dinner, I’m not planning on changing my strategy anytime soon.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. It’s What I Ate Wednesday, so I’ll satisfy your voyeristic personalities and show you what I’ve been eating šŸ˜‰ (I don’t mean that in a bad way. I’m the biggest food creeper ever.)

Lazy Breakfast:

I was craving a smoothie, but since my roomie was still sleeping and my Vita Mix sounds like a jet engine taking off in a construction zone, I decided I’d stick to a simple yogurt bowl.

Trader Joe’s 0% Greek Yogurt (cheaper than Fage!) with blueberries & bear naked granola. Sorry, this is nothing new.

Lazy Lunch:

I was too lazy to pack my lunch and the salad bar at work is pretty delicious so this was lunch! Plus I LOVE avocado (hello healthy fats!) and they always have it at work. Holy yum.

Lazy Dinner:

Ah dinner. As I mentioned last week, I’ve been trying to create some new “His & Hers” recipes, where a vegetarian and a meat eater can live in harmony eat at the same table. It just so happens that these opportunities tend to come up on Tuesdays, which means the recipes falls into WIAW. Anyways.

The veggie-hater suggested pasta, but the conversation went as follows:

Good thing I can read between the lines.

This is one of those recipes that could make someone think you’ve been in the kitchen for an hour, but you’ve actually only been in there for 5 minutes. But don’t tell anyone. (That way, they’ll do the dishes.) The trick is a can of pre-made chili. I got mine from Trader Joe’s but you could use any brand.

His & Her’s Tostadas

  • 6 small corn tortillas
  • 3 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 can beef chili
  • 2 cups frozen tri-color peppers (or you could use fresh ones, I’m just lazy, remember?)
  • 1/2 medium zucchini
  • 1/2 medium yellow squash
  • 1/2 cup salsa
  • 1/2 cup cheddar cheese
  • Sour cream or Greek yogurt

Heat up the vegetable oil in a skillet and lightly fry the corn tortillas. While those are cooking, heat up your chili and your beans. (These can be done in the microwave, honestly.) The tortillas won’t take long, and once they’re crispy, remove from the pan and add a little more oil. (Using the same pan saves dish-time.) Add your frozen peppers, zucchini and yellow squash in the pan and saute until tender.

For the boy, I topped the tortillas with the chili, a bit of peppers, cheese and Greek yogurt. (He thought it was sour cream… and when he asked for more, I confessed it was Greek yogurt. He almost had a tofu meltdown but then decided it really did taste good.)

For mine, I just topped one tortilla with a ton of vegetables and salsa. (Basically what I would make here…)

This dinner got the best reviews yet. At one point he said “Can we eat this every single night? This tastes better than a restaurant.”

Do you enjoy making fancy dinners, or are you more of a “pour a bowl of cereal” kind of person?

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