I don’t think of myself as a blogger. I’m just a girl with a blog. It’s the same way I feel about running. I’m not a runner… I’m just a girl that runs. It’s different, right? No? Doesn’t matter. Either way, I’ve learned a lot of things in the past year or so.

I learned that:

I don’t need to fear nut butters.

nut butter on a spatula

What? No, seriously.

Back in high school I was all “OMG! 200 calories in 2 tablespoons? Nevvvvah.” I’d shun that jar of Jif in my parents pantry. I was a calorie counting maniac.

Then I discovered two things:

1. Nut butter, while high in calories, is actually quite good for you

2. Jif doesn’t even compare to the amazing nut butters on the shelf, or the kind I can make at home.

What you eat is not what I eat, and that’s ok.

yogurt topped with blueberries and granola

I’m easily impressionable. I see someone eating chia seeds and I want to put them on every single thing I eat. Someone stir frys in coconut oil? I must do that. You eat soy yogurt not greek yogurt? Should I be doing that?

Wait stop.

What tastes good to me, might not taste good to you. What my body needs is what what your body needs. I mean, look at all the WIAW posts! We all eat different things, and that’s ok!

Exercise is more than Cardio and 5lb dumbells

elliptical machine

I was the classic “45min of the elliptical and a few bicep curls with a light weight.” I didn’t push myself with strength training. I didn’t want muscle, I just wanted to burn off calories. And then I saw girls like Katie and Bonnie kicking butt in the gym. And I thought… I can do that too! I’m no where near as toned as these ladies, but I’m on my way! ๐Ÿ˜‰

What have you learned from other blogs?

<3 Liz

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