Things I’ve Learned as a Food Blogger… Part 1
I’ve now been blogging for… almost a year (although I haven’t been at this blog that long) and I’ve learned a LOT along the way. It’s funny, because I wouldn’t call myself a “food blogger” but I have a blog about… food… so. Ok, moving on.
#1. If at first you don’t like it, try, try again.
The first time I tasted Kombucha, I thought it was the grossest thing to ever. Now, I’m wishing my addiction didn’t gost $3.59 a bottle…
#2. Agar flakes are not the same as Guar gum. Sure, they both start with strange four letter words, and yes they’re both found in health food stores, but don’t get these things confused. Guar gum will add a creamy thickness to your smoothies. Agar flakes just add this weird chewiness… that is quite unpleasant.
Not the same thing. And on that note, if anyone has any idea what to do with Agar flakes… let me know…
#3. It can take a whole lot of failures, but the end success is totally worth it
Not my finest moment… but a second attempt at the recipe turned out much better…
#4. Never underestimate the power of a light box
The “fail” above was taken without a light box. The “success” shots of those little cupcake things, was in a light box. Prettier, no?
If you’re a blogger, what are some things you’ve learned along the way? And if you’re just a blog-reader, what’s something you’ve learned from reading blogs?
<3 Liz
yum your food looks delish I am not a late night snacker but i snack enough throughout my day I need to stop eating after dinner!
From my very first sip I knew Kombucha and I were to be lifelong lovers. Yours are only $3.59??? Mine are $3.99 damnit! 🙂
I need me a light box, stat! Make me one? I’ll pay you? 🙂 I have learned too many things to count since starting a blog. This community is beautiful, selfless, and so loving! And hubby is pretty happy inside with all the recipes I’ve found and recreated. I’d probably still be eating chicken breast with romaine (every single day and every meal) if it weren’t for bloggers!
Never tried agar, but now I’m tempted to buy the stuff! Sea vegetables are fun!
Haha the light boxes are really a piece of cake to make! (Never)Home Maker has easy step by step instructions! The biggest challenge is figuring out where to store it!
Hahah love this! AMEN to basically.. every single one of them!!
and I have learned soo much from the blog world! Its a BLESSING! 🙂
I definitely agree that if at first you don’t succeed, try try again! Practice makes perfect when it comes to cooking!
Hi Liz! I love reading food blogs, and I’ve tried to start one before, but I’m just not that good with making food. Eating food is another thing, but I eat too fast to get photos 🙂 I have never tried Kombucha before, but I’ve always wanted to! From all the comments, I think I really should try it out!
All so true! Love this!
As a food blogger I have learned that there are other people just like me out there who are obsessed with food.
You can try Katie’s whipped cream with agar. I wish I had some agar so I could try it!
Ohhh thanks for the recipe!!! I think I’ll have to try that! I’m excited to finally find a use for it 🙂
Being a blogger I learned that there are no weird food combinations 😉