Things I learned at the Raw/Vegan Workshop:

  • I could never eat 100% raw
  • I like fennel
  • I need a spiralizer

The class was sponsored by Ellwood Thompson, a local grocery store that specializes in organic and local products. Raw food is food that hasn’t been heated over 118 degrees, which supposedly means your body gets more nutrients. I’m skeptical, but I figure, it can’t be a bad thing. I love vegetables, anyway you prepare them ๐Ÿ˜‰

woman leading a cooking demonstration

The woman teaching the class showed us how to prepare two different recipes:

Raw Apple Fennel Saladย 

close-up of apple fennel salad

spiralized vegetables

ย Raw Zucchini Pasta

Both were good, but the Apple Fennel salad was definitely my favorite. So, I’ll share the recipe with you, since I’m nice like that. ๐Ÿ™‚

Apple Fennel Salad

Serves 4

  • 2 granny smith apples
  • 1 fennel bulb
  • 1/4 cup fresh mint
  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/3 cup lime juice
  • pinch of salt

Julienne your apple (aka chop it into little rectangles) and slice your fennel bulb thin. If you have a mandolin slicer, you could use that, but a knife works too. Toss the apples in the lime juice and add the fennel. (This keeps the apple from turning brown, and it tastes good!) Then mince your mint, and add that to the apple & fennel. Drizzle on the olive oil, and bam. You’ve got a raw vegan salad on your plate.

I thought the taste of this was really fresh. It wasn’t overwhelming, and I think it would be a great salad for aย barbecue!

Have you ever tried a “raw” recipe?

In other news, my blogger swap package came from Eating Like a Horse and it must have cost her a fortune to send it because it was packed with goodies! But that package deserves a post of it’s own… so come back tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜‰ (Thanks, Jemma, for organizing the swap!)

Happy Friday everyone! Any exciting plans? Some raw food recipes perhaps? ๐Ÿ˜‰

<3 Liz

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