As you’d expect, the holiday weekend did shake up my routine a little, although it wasn’t anything crazy out of the ordinary. My Tuesday, however, was more unusual. It also allowed me to take better photographs of my food. Win-win.


My friend Oksana, a teacher at a local high school, asked if I would speak at “Career Day” and since I love my job, and I think high schoolers are cool, I willingly agreed! I had to wake up earlier than normal to get to the school on time, so I are breakfast at the school.


Before career day started, they served all of the volunteers coffee and breakfast, so I had a cup of black coffee, part of this bagel, and a bunch of grapes. So delicious.


Since career day ended in the early afternoon, I ate a quick lunch at my kitchen table while answering e-mails, and getting work done.  I had a simple bowl of yogurt + fruit + granola.

Afternoon snacking

I decided carrots are more delicious when they’re shaped like chips… and since they were already shaped like chips… I decided to roast them, and dip them in ketchup. I know, I know, I’m turning everything into chips these days. What can I say? They’re more fun that way. I sprayed them with a tiny bit of olive oil, seasoned with salt & pepper, and roasted at 400 for about 10 minutes. Delish.


I made this garlic lentil soup from a recipe in the Wall Street Journal. No offense Wall Street Journal, but it wasn’t very good. I gave up on the recipe and doctored it up, until it actually tasted good. I’ll share my version of the recipe sometime soon. It reminded me how much I love lentils, and they’re so filling!

I ended the day at Bakers Crust with some friends, but I didn’t actually get anything to eat. The company was enough for me 🙂

In the spirit of career day…

What did you want to be when you “grew up”…?

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