Remember when I asked for some recipe ideas for a meat-eater that doesn’t like vegetables?

Well you were all awesome at giving me suggestions. I’ve made chickpea tacos, I’ve made tamale pie. Both pretty succesful. But do you know what I’m up against? I don’t think you do. Since it’s What I Ate Wednesday, let’s take a look at a day of eats for me vs. a day of eats for the veggie-hater.


Breakfast for me:

Apple + peanut butter (and a couple handfuls of Kellogg’s Fiber Plus Cinnamon Oat cereal)

I was out of yogurt, and since a friend was staying on our couch due to the power outage, I thought it would be rude to use my vitamix ๐Ÿ˜‰ Hence the unusual breakfast.

Breakfast for the Veggie-hater:

Nothing. (I don’t know how anyone can start their day without breakfast.)

Lunch for me:

Trader Joeโ€™s spiced soybeans! Check out the nutritional facts (and be sure to double it, because seriously, who eats half a package?) Yes, thatโ€™s 400 calories, 28 grams of protein and 24 grams of fiber.

I also had some soy crisps for a little afternoon snack. Oh and multiple cups of coffee.

Lunch for the veggie hater:

Nothing. Wait, what? I know. Don’t worry, he normally eats a Lunchable.

Later that day…

*Phone rings* I don’t answer, because I’m busy pole dancing.

*I call him back*

He complains that he’s starving because he hasn’t eaten all day. After a 15 minute discussion of what we could both eat, we decide he should just pick up some food for himself and bring it over, and I’ll eat my vegetables.

Dinner for me:

Salad topped with hummus and almonds (I later added some salsa) plus a baby sweet potato topped with almond butter. (If you’re dying for another picture of this, see Monday’s post.)

Dinner for the veggie-hater:

An entire pepperoni pizza + orange soda.


Do you see what I’m up against?

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