We’re on the home stretch! 3 days until the wedding! Things have been a little crazy, as you can imagine, but I can honestly say I’m not stressed. Everything is coming together quite well and having my family in town has been awesome. Alex’s parents fly in tonight and I can’t wait to see them!

Yesterday, I literally did zero cooking, unless putting bread in the toaster counts as cooking… It’s kind of sad because I love cooking but time is of the essence! Here’s a snapshot of what I ate yesterday:


I woke up and realized that all my food (and work clothes and make up) had been moved to Alex’s place so I ran out the door early to stop by his place to eat and get ready for work. I slipped a few pieces of whole wheat bread in the toaster and topped them with a little peanut butter. Eaten with a side of frozen mango, this hit the spot. I could eat this on repeat.


I normally eat salads from work but I had a pretty busy day so I figured packing my lunch would make things easier. I had a 100 calorie Chobani with some fruit that I picked up in the cafeteria and I ate half the Think Thin bar and saved the other half for later. Sometime in the mid afternoon I finished it up.

pasta at stuzzi.jpg

Alex and I had our last marriage counseling session last night right after work, so we ended up stopping by Stuzzi for dinner. They have amazing pizza but the Tuesday night special is pasta, so I ordered a plate of penne with marinara and mozzarella. The sauce is so good. I’m probably supposed to be “eating clean” for the wedding, but who cares. I’m enjoying the week!

It’s hard to believe the wedding is almost here!

What are you eating this week?


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