This weekend has been exactly what I hoped. Lazy. Relaxing. Unproductive.

I normally can’t stand to sit still. I need to be constantly doing something. So it was nice to just sit back and relax with friends.

A few nights of going out, house parties, you know, the usual.

I’ve been eating ugly but delicious meals, like this:

I was in the mood for a Mexican Mess but didn’t have all the standard ingredients, so I whipped this up instead. It’s not even really a recipe, but in case you’re curious, it was:

  • 1/2 zucchini
  • 1/2 yellow squash
  • 1/2 cup salsa (I used a really spicy kind)
  • 1 can diced tomatoes
  • 1/2 onion
  • spices to taste (chili powder, crushed red pepper, garlic and salt)

I just sautΓ©ed it all in some olive oil until the veggies were nice and soft. I love dishes like this because you can basically substitute anything you want and it’ll still come out delicious.

I’ve also been eating almond butter like it’s my job.

(If a job like that exists, please consider this my application.) Thanks to the almond butter + sweet potato combo that I can’t stop eating, I’ve gone through so much almond butter, that this jar was just asking to be made into a smoothie bowl. Who was I to deny the almond butter?

This was your standard: almond milk + banana + stevia + xanthan gum + ice combination, poured into a little almond butter jar for maximum deliciousness.

Other random weekend highlight: trading in my semi-broken Droid for an iphone

After the amazing transition from PC to Mac, I was really excited to finally switch to an iphone. I’m kind of obsessed. I think my favorite part is Instagram. (I know, I know, of all the awesome features, am I really saying this is my favorite part?) Let me have my fun, alright?

Random picture I took while we were driving downtown:

Cool, right? Maybe I’ll do a whole What I Ate Wednesday– Instagram Edition.

And now, I’m off to go enjoy the last bit of the weekend!

What’s the best thing you’ve done this weekend?

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